pd|hub presents workshop on mentoring and training program design at ABRCMS 2024
Date Posted: Sunday, November 10, 2024Faculty and training program directors: join us on Wednesday, November 13 at ABRCMS 2024 in Pittsburgh for our workshop, “Supporting Students’ and Postdocs’ Career Development: Evidence-based strategies for training programs and faculty mentors.”
A lack of inclusive and equitable support for career development contributes to the mental health crisis in graduate education and the loss of individuals from historically marginalized groups from science. This workshop, designed for faculty mentors and training program directors as well as others invested in trainees’ success, will explore strategies to better support students and postdocs in their career exploration, career planning and use of individual development plans. Workshop leaders Cynthia Fuhrmann and Bill Lindstaedt will feature approaches and frameworks refined through literature on career decision-making, as well as the NIGMS-funded Professional Development Hub (pd|hub) Collection, Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists. If you are interested in reflecting on your own mentoring practices and/or learning more about how to apply evidence-based strategies to assess and improve your training programs to support trainees in their career exploration, we invite you to join us for this empowering session.