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Career Development through an Equity Lens: pd|hub hosts workshop for Implementation Sites

Date Posted: Monday, February 12, 2024

In recent years, the graduate/postdoctoral education community has intensified its commitment to making its programs, resources, and services more inclusive. During this workshop—Career Development through an Equity Lens—held last month for pd|hub Implementation Sites, Dr. Angela Byars-Winston shared practical strategies for adapting teaching, facilitation, and implementation practices to be more inclusive and equitable by exploring how factors related to cultural identity impact student/postdoc experiences. Dr. Byars-Winston, an internationally renowned scholar in this space with a passion for supporting faculty and staff seeking to implement evidence-based practices for STEMM PhD career development and mentorship, highlighted evidence from studies of cultural identity in career development and discussed implications for educational interventions. She built on earlier pd|hub workshops that had focused on positionality and social cognitive career theory, layering on a discussion of identity-based influences on goal formation—including how factors such as vicarious learning, success experiences, social and verbal persuasion, and emotional associations impact self-efficacy. The group reflected on how these considerations might appear in the context of their pd|hub-related implementations, and in the context of the broader science training/mentorship ecosystem. 

Interested in diving deeper into these topics? Here are some references related to content presented during the workshop.