pd|hub welcomes our inaugural cohort of Implementation Sites!
Date Posted: Monday, March 06, 2023This month, we welcome sixteen teams as our inaugural cohort of Implementation Sites for the pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists. Representing universities, a scientific society, and a research institute, we are thrilled to support these organizations as they adapt and implement evidence-based approaches from this Collection for their students and postdocs.
The Implementation Sites will receive detailed lesson plans and materials, and meet monthly this year through Communities of Practice guided by Fellows of the Collection, who bring years of experience implementing the pd|hub Collection models.
The Implementation Site experience began last week with an initial series of workshops, designed to build on the diverse expertise that Sites already bring to the table. These trainings, and discussions at later points in the year, add a focus on social science theories and data that support understanding of the career exploration process, systemic and environmental factors that influence career decision-making, identity-conscious facilitation practices, and fundamentals for rigorous educational evaluation. As they begin to implement with their local learners, Sites will participate in a cross-Site evaluation coordinated by pd|hub, to gather data that will deepen understanding of outcomes of educational interventions supporting career exploration.
Please join us in welcoming these Sites!
- Case Western Reserve University
- Drexel University
- Genetics Society of America
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Harvard Medical School
- Lunar and Planetary Institute
- North Dakota State University
- Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
- University of Arizona
- University of California, Irvine
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Illinois Chicago
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Virginia
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Zuckerman Institute at Columbia University