The pd|hub Collections are sets of curated, peer-reviewed educational models to advance practices in specific professional development competency areas for graduate students and postdocs in STEMM.
STEMM PhD graduate students and postdocs have a critical need for educational interventions that support the complex, iterative developmental process of career exploration.
The pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists features five peer-reviewed educational models designed to catalyze the process of career exploration for PhD scientists.
The Fellows of the pd|hub Collection are content experts with years of experience teaching, facilitating, and implementing the models in the pd|hub Collection. Learn more about them >
Implementation Sites partner with pd|hub for one year to facilitate success in implementing one of the models.
Support includes access to the following:
In addition to the Fellows of this pd|hub Collection, this is the team working behind the scenes to develop the pd|hub Collections framework and support the project. Meet the pd|hub Collections team >