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Fostering Collaboration and Community: Highlights from the second pd|hub Collections cohort Philadelphia training event

Date Posted: lunes, julio 01, 2024

On June 24th and 25th, we had the pleasure of hosting an in-person training event in Philadelphia for our second cohort of Implementation Sites. We were thrilled to bring the cohort together in-person to encourage new collaborations and foster community amongst the Sites. Strategically scheduling our training adjacent to the GCC Annual Conference also provided an exceptional networking opportunity with members of the GCC community. These two days focused on community building across the cohort and within communities of practice, building deeper familiarity with the pd|hub Collection models, and practicing facilitation. We were honored to welcome as keynote speakers Angela Byars-Winston who presented, “A scholarly lens for career exploration” and Sherilynn Black who presented “Promoting holistic environments to support professional development, mentorship, and well-being,” as well as guest speaker Andrew Hartman who discussed logic models for understanding model design and guiding evaluation. We convened a panel featuring members of our first cohort of Implementation Sites, Theresa Christenson-Caballero, Joseph DiMario, and Karena Nguyen, who shared valuable insights on implementing the models at their institutions and reflected on their experiences as pd|hub Collections partners. We look forward to continuing to engage and support our Sites via communities of practice, helping them implement the models at their institutions and guide their students and postdocs in their career exploration.