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pd|hub presents at the 2024 AAMC GREAT Group Annual Conference

Date Posted: martes, octubre 01, 2024

Join pd|hub on October 5-7 at the 2024 Association of American Medical Colleges’ Graduate Research Education and Training (GREAT) Annual Conference for our workshop, “Inclusive, evidence-based practices for training and mentorship to support career development.” 

A lack of inclusive and equitable support for career development has been linked to the mental health crisis in graduate education and to the attrition of historically marginalized groups in science. We will begin the workshop by reviewing the literature on building career self-efficacy and identity formation (including literature tied to Social Cognitive Career Theory and Herminia Ibarra’s work on professional identity), and connect these concepts to strategies that training programs and faculty mentors can use to better support students and postdocs in their career planning and use of individual development plans. We will include practical examples of evidence-based approaches being used in educational models that are part of the NIH-funded pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists. In small group discussions, participants will reflect on example strategies for mentorship and training program curricula that can effectively address the complexities of career development and better support students and postdocs in an identity-conscious way. 

If you are attending the AAMC GREAT Group conference and interested in joining this discussion, please join us!