pd|hub welcomes new Collections Specialist to the team
Date Posted: lunes, marzo 18, 2024We are delighted to announce that Dr. Katie Kearns has joined the Professional Development Hub team as our new Collections Specialist. Dr. Kearns brings a wealth of experience as an educator, scholar, and author about pedagogy and the professional development of early-career scientists. As pd|hub's Collections Specialist, Dr. Kearns will play a central role in the continued development of the pd|hub Collections, working closely with Fellows and Implementation Sites.
Previously, Dr. Kearns was employed with Indiana University's graduate school and teaching center from 2005-2023, facilitating communities of practice to support the professional development and personal growth of graduate students and postdocs. As an instructional consultant, she coached new instructors and led workshops and learning communities on course design, active learning, teaching statements, critical feminist pedagogy, and scholarship of teaching and learning. In 2019, she joined the University Graduate School as assistant vice provost for student development, contributing to broader graduate student professional development efforts both on the Bloomington campus and nationally as part of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL). She has been an active leader in the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network; she was a chair of the Graduate student, Professional student, & Postdoctoral scholar Development (GPPD) special interest group and recently served a three-year term on POD's governing board. Dr. Kearns co-edited two books, Teaching as if Learning Matters (Indiana University Press, 2022) and Higher Education Careers Beyond the Professoriate (Purdue University Press, forthcoming) and has published in educational development journals. She received a bachelor's degree in biology from Cornell University and a PhD in ecology from the University of Georgia.
Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Kearns as she joins the pd|hub team!