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pd|hub Implementation Site leads workshop at AGU23

Date Posted: domingo, diciembre 10, 2023

Join Grace Beaudoin of the Lunar and Planetary Institute, a pd|hub Collections Implementation Site, on Tuesday, December 12th at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting 2023 in San Francisco, as she presents, “Career Exploration Workshop: Guided Self-Reflection for Students and Scientists” based off of the pd|hub Collection model: Self-Assessment to Guide Career Exploration. The workshop is designed to help students and postdocs identify their values, articulate their transferable skills, and exercise intentionality in their career exploration journey. Participants will engage in self-reflection and self-assessment exercises and leave the workshop with a “career compass” to help guide their career exploration. 

Not going to AGU23 in-person? You can participate online on Tuesday January 23rd by joining this virtual AGU23 workshop.