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pd|hub presents at Cell Bio 2023-An ASCB|EMBO Meeting

Date Posted: martes, noviembre 28, 2023

Join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 5:20pm ET at CELL BIO 2023 in Boston, where we will be presenting in the Education Minisymposium, "Narrowing the Gap: Inclusive Teaching Strategies to Engage and Retain Students." In this talk, we will discuss the pd|hub Collections framework that incentivizes and supports educators in disseminating their work; partners with DEI scholars to maximize inclusive, identity-conscious practices; and provides PhD/postdoctoral training programs seeking to adopt these practices with detailed lesson plans, training, and consultations for implementation and evaluation. We will describe the inaugural pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists, its models, and themes that have emerged from their content analysis: self-assessment, identity-sharing, career investigation, career fit, and goal setting. We will focus on strategies defined through this project to enhance inclusive and identity-conscious practices, and introduce the evaluation strategy being used to test outcomes. Whether interested in becoming an Implementation Site in our next cohort, or wanting to reflect on your own practices for supporting career development, we hope to see you there!