2024 Implementation Site application
Welcome! This page provides details about the application process for becoming an Implementation Site for the pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists. As an Implementation Site, you will be part of a national cohort of organizations actively enhancing their training programs and career development for doctoral* students and postdocs. Through this NIGMS-funded project, we provide training, annotated lesson plans and implementation guides, and structured communities of practice with expert consultations to support Implementation Sites in adapting a pd|hub Collection model at their organization. Learn more about the Implementation Site experience. Note: The 2024 Implementation Site application period is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
What is the application process?
- Download the application worksheet. The application has been intentionally developed in the form of a reflective worksheet that guides you through a series of questions meant to facilitate success as an Implementation Site. In addition to helping us get to know you, the prompts are designed to stimulate your team’s thinking about implementation goals and strategies, and prompt conversations with campus partners. Therefore, as a first step, preview the application questions via this Microsoft Word worksheet. After you have assembled your team, we anticipate the application should take 1-2 hours to complete.
- Form your team. Though not required, participating as a team has been demonstrated through other initiatives to increase likelihood of success for adoption of new educational approaches. We recommend 2-3 individuals as core team members, who will be the individuals most deeply involved in the project. See FAQ below for more considerations.
- Consider the roles that each core team member will have within the team. Cross-disciplinary teams are some of the strongest in our experience. Consider including career development practitioners, faculty, program directors, equity/inclusion educators, teaching and learning professionals, or other staff/administrators.
- Core team members should expect to participate fully in the experience (learn more and see our detailed Guidelines for Implementation Sites document).
- As you reflect on your goals for implementation via the application worksheet, consider additional partners whose involvement might strengthen your efforts.
- Consider which model might be the best fit for your organization's or program's needs. In the application, we ask you to rank your top two preferences.
- Submit your application responses via our Qualtrics application portal. The Qualtrics portal will mimic the Microsoft Word worksheet linked above. Copy and paste your responses into the corresponding fields within the Qualtrics application.
- We will reach out to selected applicants to set up a brief Zoom conversation with your team in mid March 2024, to meet you, welcome you to the project, and address any further questions you have before we begin.
Want to learn more? Attend an information session
We are hosting information sessions to overview the program, and to address questions about the Implementation Site experience, models, and application:

Tuesday, February 6 at 1-2pm ET (RSVP or join day-of)
Wednesday, February 21 at 2-3pm ET (RSVP or join day-of)
Further questions?
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
- What is the deadline to submit the application?
- The deadline to submit is
Friday, March 1, 2024 Friday, March 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
- How do I save my application and return to it later?
- At this time it is not possible for you to save your progress in the application portal. Therefore, we encourage you to prepare your responses in the Microsoft Word worksheet and then later copy them into the application portal when ready to submit.
- What if I need to make changes to my application after I have submitted it?
- You can resubmit your application by completing a new application before the deadline. We will look for duplicate submissions via author and title, and will only review the application with the most recent timestamp. Additionally, you may let us know you've submitted multiple applications at info@pdhub.org.
- What will I have access to as an Implementation Site?
- Implementation Sites will participate in train-the-trainer trainings, obtain detailed implementation guides and annotated lesson materials, and participate in Communities of Practice with expert consultations. pd|hub will coordinate evaluation of the program implementation. Further details are described here.
- What are the time commitments and expectations for an Implementation Site?
- Implementation Sites commit to participating in the full one-year experience, including participating in trainings and a Community of Practice, implementing the model at your organization, and collaborating with pd|hub to support success of cross-site evaluation. This is explained here, and in further detail in the Guidelines for Implementation Sites document.
- How much does it cost to participate as an Implementation Site, to access the pd|hub materials, training, and consultations?
- For this inaugural pd|hub Collection, there will be no fees charged for selected Implementation Sites to participate and access model materials. However, Implementation Sites should expect to cover costs associated with implementing the model at your organization. Additional details can be found here.
- Do I need to have established career and professional development programming (CPD) at my organization to be competitive for selection as an Implementation Site?
- No, we encourage all organizations, whether or not the institution has established CPD programming, to apply to become an Implementation Site. In fact, this pd|hub Collection can be an excellent entreé into establishing such programs.
- Can an organization submit more than one application to be an Implementation Site?
- If there are multiple programs from your organization/institution interested in becoming an Implementation Site, we strongly recommend coordinating internally to form one team (and submit one application) so that you can support one another in your implementations.
- Can a student and/or postdoc be a core member of an Implementation Site team?
- Yes. If a student or postdoc is included as part of a team, that individual should have a defined role. To enable long-term sustainability of adoption at your organization, we encourage teams to include staff and/or faculty.
- Is this program available to organizations outside of the United States?
- At this time, this program is only open to institutions/organizations that are based in the United States. We hope to expand the program internationally in the future. In the meantime, more resources will be made available on our website as the project progresses. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to join our listserv to receive announcements.
- For what disciplines are these models targeted?
- Some of the models in this pd|hub Collection have been implemented with graduate students and/or postdocs in mixed disciplines, others with a focus in STEM, and others with a focus specifically in the biomedical sciences. All models are likely to be applicable to PhD students and/or postdocs in any discipline, though tailoring may be desired if targeting participants in a particular discipline. Since this pd|hub Collection is funded by NIGMS, we encourage inclusion of biomedical science trainees in your recruitment pool. If you plan to implement a model for a group of students and/or postdocs that does not include biomedical or related fields, please reach out to us at info@pdhub.org.
- When will Implementation Sites be notified about the status of their application?
- We will notify Implementation Sites of their application status in March 2024.
- Will each Implementation Site be assigned a model, or can we choose one?
- We seek to distribute Implementation Sites across the five models. In the application, we ask that you list, in ranked order, two models that you feel would be a best fit for your needs, resources, and context. You can use the open response to provide further context, or even to point to additional models within the Collection that may also be a good fit (and why). If selected as an Implementation Site, we will do our best to select your top preference.