Current Activities
What are we doing now?
We are bringing together diverse stakeholders to move forward actions identified through our 2019 Stakeholder Workshop. Our first pd|hub Collection launched in 2022, along with tools to advance evaluation and educational research. The pd|hub Coalition of Higher Education Organizations and pd|hub Scientific Societies Group continue to meet and collaborate.
Our activities to-date have been supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, National Institute for General Medical Sciences at NIH, National Science Foundation, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute. See our funders and sponsors...

Disseminate career and professional development approaches in ways that support adaptation, implementation, and innovation in the graduate/postdoctoral education community. There is a need for central mechanisms, infrastructure, and incentives to support the dissemination of evidence-based career and professional development approaches. We are developing a framework for disseminating curated collections of evidence-based educational models that are tailored for teaching professional skills competencies to PhD-level STEMM trainees. Our framework includes recognition of leaders from the community who have developed effective models, and training and mentoring to support faculty and staff across the country in implementing these approaches at their home organizations. Enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion is centered in our approach. Learn about the pd|hub Collections...

Build capacity for research and evaluation to enhance the evidence basis for career and professional development approaches. Multiple stakeholders have shared a need to build capacity for rigorous evaluation and research in graduate career and professional development. We are bringing together stakeholders to develop resources and infrastructure to support this goal, with first resources emerging via the pd|hub Collections. Stay tuned...

Connect stakeholders across diverse networks to leverage expertise and support coordinated action to advance graduate and postdoctoral education. In addition to driving pd|hub actions forward via cross-stakeholder working groups and collaborations, we seek to connect key stakeholders within communities to maximize synergy and change. We hosted a Stakeholder Workshop in July 2019 to initiate cross-disciplinary, cross-stakeholder discussions. A group of scientific societies spun out of this workshop and have continued meeting (collaborative events are included in our News & Events). The pd|hub Coalition of Higher Education Organizations, committed to advancing career and professional development as core components of predoctoral and postdoctoral training, began meeting in 2019 and continues to exchange resources and synergize efforts.

Advocate for career and professional development to amplify the impact of ongoing efforts and accelerate change. Advocacy to amplify the impact of ongoing efforts and accelerate change is woven through pd|hub’s activities in the three other goal areas, and we are working on additional resources or mechanisms to support change. Join us…